News Messages
Monday, March 24, 2025 11:30AM
Time is running out! You only have 1 week left until your current Lottery License expires. If you let your License expire on 3/31/25, your terminal will be shut down. Visit and renew now! For questions or issues with your Lottery renewal email
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 08:17AM
#1706 Win! It! All! has officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling tickets
immediately. Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines for return
and credit.
Friday, February 14, 2025 03:54PM
On Monday, February 17, 2025 the Lottery is excited to announce the launch of four new scratch games. $1 #1808 5X, Win up to $5,000, $2 #1809 20X, Win up to $25,000, $5 #1810 50X, Win up to $100,000, and $10 #1811 100X, Win up to $200,000.
Friday, January 24, 2025 12:25PM
Monday, January 27, 2025 the Lottery is excited to announce the launch of two new scratch games. $2 #1794 Pharaoh's
Gold, Win up to $10,000, and $3 #1793 SUPER CASH WHEEL Win up to $20,000.
Friday, January 17, 2025 02:32PM
DCP has sent all Lottery License renewals. Check your email to see if you have received your renewal information, then go to under license services and renew online. If you have not received your renewal information, please email DCP at
Friday, January 17, 2025 02:29PM
If you need to restock playslips, please call
IGT Customer Service at 1-888-311-0037. Auto shipment of terminal paper has
resumed. You will automatically receive restock when your supply on hand
Friday, January 3, 2025 12:43PM
On January 6, 2025
the Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of a
new $5 scratch game #1827
UCONN! Win up to
Tuesday, December 31, 2024 04:19PM
January 7, 2025 is the last day to buy 26 Advance Action purchases for the current Mega Millions game. Tickets for the enhanced Mega Millions game go on sale April 5, 2025. More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG/ Retailer Info/ I am a Retailer.
Monday, December 23, 2024 07:47AM
January 7, 2025 is the last day to buy 26 Advance Action purchases for the current Mega Millions game. Tickets for the enhanced Mega Millions game go on sale April 5, 2025. More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG/ Retailer info/ I am a Retailer.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 07:55AM
Attention Retailers remind your players that Holiday Scratch Games make great gifts! Choose from $1, $2, $5 and $20! Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 12:35PM
Exciting News!
A New Enhanced Mega Millions game is coming in April 2025. Mega Millions will be bigger than ever with a $50 Million starting jackpot, faster growing jackpots, better odds and with a built-in Multiplier. For more information, speak to your Lottery Sales Representative.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 11:29AM
During the Holidays, CT Lottery helps spread the responsible gambling message to adults that tickets are not suitable gifts for children under 18. Please visit Retailer Corner for more information on problem gambling and resources available for players. Go to info/I am a Retailer/ Holiday Responsible Gambling.
Friday, November 22, 2024 08:08AM
Retailers, until further notice you must call IGT Customer Service at 1-888-311-0037 when you need Terminal Paper and Play Slips.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 09:13AM
Make sure you are using the new IGT paper stock in your terminal. IGT paper has a bright orange border and our address, 15 Sterling Dr. Wallingford is on the back. The use of any other paper in the Lottery Equipment will be referred to CLC Security.
Monday, October 21, 2024 01:16PM
Games #1748 Diamond Mine, #1745 Fast Cash and #1735 Break The Bank have officially ended. If you any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Thursday, October 17, 2024 11:02AM
Time is running out, read the new CT Lottery Retailer Manual on the Learning Wizard system now! This is mandatory and must be completed by 10/18/24. Open your email from CT Lottery with a link to Learning Wizard. Or, go to Retailer Corner at Retailer Info/I am a Retailer/Retailer Manual. Login with your Retailer number and password: WelcomeToLW. The Manual is located in "My Courses" scroll to find Retailer Manual.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 11:48AM
Read the new CT Lottery Retailer Manual on the Learning Wizard system now! This is mandatory and must be completed by 10/18/24. Look for an email from CT Lottery with a link to Learning Wizard. Or, go to Retailer Corner at Retailer Info/I am a Retailer/Retailer Manual. Login with your Retailer number and password: WelcomeToLW. The Manual is located in "My Courses" scroll to find Retailer Manual.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 04:06PM
The DCP is reminding all lottery sales agents that possession of slot machines, coin push machines, or any other gambling device is illegal. In accordance with CT General Statute 53-278a, any place where a gambling device is found shall be presumed to be intended to be used for professional gambling. Per CGS 53-278b, any person who engages in professional gambling shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor. Licensees found to be in violation are also subject to DCP administrative sanctions including fines and license revocation, and any gambling device found subject to seizure.
Friday, October 4, 2024 09:44AM
The DCP is reminding all Lottery Sales Agents that possession of slot machines, coin push machines, or any other gambling device is illegal. In accordance with CT General Statute 53-278a, any place where a gambling device is found shall be presumed to be intended to be used for professional gambling. Per CGS 53-278b, any person who engages in professional gambling shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor. Licensees found to be in violation are also subject to DCP administrative sanctions including fines and license revocation, and any gambling device found subject to seizure.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 03:22PM
On September 30, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $2 scratch game #1730 Cash Doubler! Win up to $10.000! A new $5 scratch game #1788 Money Bags! Win up to $50,000! And a new $10 scratch game #1777 Ultimate 7s! Win up to $1,000,000!
Monday, September 16, 2024 08:51AM
Game #1769 has officially ended. If you any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Thursday, August 22, 2024 08:35AM
Fast Cash! Win Big!
On Monday, August 26, 2024 at 5:00am a new Fast Play Progressive series High Roller will begin. New Progressive Jackpot starts at $50,000 and new price points $10, $20 and $30. The Money Bags Progressive Jackpot will roll into High Roller.
Wednesday, August 21, 2024 12:26PM
On August 26, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $1 scratch game #11750 Hot 7s! Win up to $1,777! And a new $5 scratch game #1785 $50,000 Cash Blast! Win up to $50,000!
Friday, August 16, 2024 08:22AM
Please leave terminal and all lottery equipment plugged in and powered on at all times. Software updates are occurring overnight. Thank You!
Wednesday, August 7, 2024 03:42PM
August 5th was an X-tra special lucky day! Top prizes from the X-game scratch series were sold by 7 different retailers! Remember when your lottery customers win, you win too! Sell a $10,000 or more winning scratch ticket and receive a 1% selling bonus!
Friday, July 26, 2024 01:22PM
On July 29, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of 2 new 2nd chance games a a $5 scratch game #1807 Diamond 7s! Win up to $77,777! And a $20 scratch game #1796 $2,000,000 Jackpot! Win up to $2,000,000!
Monday, July 8, 2024 02:50PM
Exciting News!
Congratulations to retailers who increased sales during the Retailer Incentive period, 3/3/24 - 6/1/24! Adjustments credits will appear on your Invoice week of 6/30/24-7/6/24. For more information on the Retailer Incentive and where to see credits, go to Info/I am a Retailer/ Incentives.
Monday, June 10, 2024 02:58PM
The new online lottery is live for players starting today. Please visit for more information about iLottery.
Friday, June 7, 2024 01:33PM
Coming Soon!
On June 10, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $1 scratch game #1781 Sunny Money! Win up to $500! A new $2 scratch game #1776 Sparkling 7s! Win up to $17,777! And a new $10 scratch game #1783 $! Win up to $100,000!
Thursday, June 6, 2024 08:13AM
Important Message!
CT Lottery will soon launch our new iLottery platform for buying draw game tickets online. Please go to Retailer Corner to read a message about the upcoming launch. Go to Retailer info/ I am a Retailer/ Important Retailer Message.
Friday, May 31, 2024 02:16PM
Coming Soon!
On June 3, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $5 scratch game #1772 Cash Plus! Win up to $50,000! A new $5 scratch game #1767 5X The Money 18th Edition! Win up to $50,000! And a new $30 scratch game #1774 Millionaire Maker! Win up to $1,000,000!
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 10:03AM
Important Message!
CT Lottery has delayed the launch of our new online lottery platform. Please go to Retailer Corner to read an important update. Go to info/I'm a Retailer/Important Retailer Message.
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 01:44PM
Important Message!
CT Lottery will soon launch our new online lottery platform. Please go to Retailer Corner to read a message about the upcoming launch. Go to info/I'm a Retailer/Important Retailer Message.
Friday, May 3, 2024 01:38PM
Coming Soon!
On May 6, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $1 scratch game #1771 Fish & Chips! Win up to $1,000! And a $3 scratch game #1784 Lucky Numbers! Win up to $30,000!
Tuesday, April 30, 2024 08:06AM
Games #1755 Snow Me The Money, #1682 5X The Money 16th Edition and #1756 Peng-Win have officially ended. If you any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Monday, April 15, 2024 10:57AM
Games #1712 Did I win and #1732 Fun 1s have officially ended. If you any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Friday, April 12, 2024 10:56AM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of 3X The Cash! On April 15, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $3 scratch game #1768 3X The Cash 12th Edition! Win up to $30,000!
Tuesday, April 2, 2024 12:23PM
Responsible Gambling Retailer Training!
Now through 4/30/24 take a quick survey on our website with information for you, your staff and customers about Responsible Gambling. Go to and click on Retailer info page/I'm a retailer/Responsible Gambling/
Responsible Gambling Training to find the quiz.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 12:27PM
Three days left to renew your Lottery License. Your terminal will be suspended if your current license expires on 3/31/24. Please visit if you have not renewed your license. Contact with questions or concerns.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 10:37AM
Four days left to renew your Lottery License. Your terminal will be suspended if your current license expires on 3/31/24. Please visit if you have not renewed your license. Contact with questions or concerns.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024 09:28AM
Time is running out!
You only have 2 weeks left to renew your Lottery License. Your current license will expire on 3/31/24. If you have not, please visit and renew now. For questions or issues with your Lottery Renewal email
Monday, March 11, 2024 01:53PM
Friendly Reminder
You have 3 weeks left to renew your Lottery License. The current one will expire on 3/31/24. If you have not, please visit and renew now. For questions or issues with your Lottery Renewal email
Tuesday, March 5, 2024 02:10PM
Friendly Reminder
You have 4 weeks left to renew your Lottery License. The current one will expire on 3/31/24. If you have not, please visit and renew now. For questions or issues with your Lottery Renewal email
Friday, March 1, 2024 11:29AM
Coming Soon!
On March 4, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $1 scratch game #1769 Electric 8s! Win up to $1,888! Enter non-winning tickets into our new 2nd Chance Drawing Site!
Tuesday, February 27, 2024 03:55PM
Time to renew your Lottery License. Go to and renew on line by March 31, 2024. If you have not received your renewal information, please contact DCP at
Monday, February 26, 2024 08:01AM
Games #1685 High Roller, #1752 Holiday Gifts, #1753 Happy Pawlidays and #1754 Holiday Riches have officially ended. If you any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Thursday, February 22, 2024 12:21PM
Coming Soon!
On February 26, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $2 scratch game #1762 BOOM! Win up to $10,000! And $5 scratch game #1760 Wild Multiplier! Win up to $50,000!
Friday, February 9, 2024 12:02PM
Coming Soon!
On February 13, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $10 scratch game #1775 Pinball Wizard! Win up to $100,000!
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 02:48PM
License Renewals
DCP has sent all Lottery License Renewals. Check to see if you have received your renewal information, then go to and renew on line. If you have not received your renewal information, please contact DCP at
Friday, February 2, 2024 09:39AM
Coming Soon!
On February 5, 2024 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $5 scratch game #1765 $50,000 Cashword! Win up to $50,000! A $10 scratch game #1761 Money! Win up to $100,000! And a $20 scratch game #1764 200X. Win up to $1,000,000!
Wednesday, January 31, 2024 09:15AM
License Renewals
DCP has sent all Lottery License Renewals. Check to see if you have received your renewal information, then go to and renew on line. If you have not received your renewal information, please contact DCP at
Monday, January 29, 2024 10:22AM
The new $5 Stud Poker Game #1731 will not activate on your terminal today. It will be ready to activate tomorrow, 1/30/24. Please do not sell or put Stud Poker in dispensers today. Sales will start tomorrow, 1/30/24
Friday, January 26, 2024 08:33AM
Coming Soon
On January 29, 2024 The CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $5 scratch game #1731 Stud Poker. Win up to $50,000!
Wednesday, December 27, 2023 03:56PM
The estimated Powerball Jackpot for Wednesday, December 27, 2023 is $700 Million! Sell the top prize and you can earn $100,000 selling bonus! Remind players about adding PowePlay to their purchase! Please be mindful of your terminal paper and do not run out!
Tuesday, December 19, 2023 07:57AM
Ended Scratch Games
Games #1616 Aces High 27th Edition, #1690 Money Match, #1691 10 Spot, #1722 Winner Winner Chicken Dinner, #1629 Mega Money 27th Edition, #1607 Cashword 29, #1648 10X Cash 16th Edition, #1676 20X Cash 8th Edition and #1620 $1,000,000 Golden Riches have officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets from dispensers for return and credit.
Friday, December 15, 2023 01:40PM
Coming Soon!
On December 18, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $2 scratch game #1744 24K! Win up to $24,000! And a new $5 scratch game #1733 Husky Hoops! Win up to $50,000!
Friday, December 8, 2023 10:58AM
Coming Soon!
On December 11, 2023 the CT Lottery is super excited to announce the launch of a new $50 scratch games #1790 $4,000,000 Fortune! Win up to $4,000,000! And a new $1 scratch game #1743 Diamond Dash! Win up to $2,000!
Thursday, November 16, 2023 09:28AM
Coming Soon!
On November 20, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $2 scratch game #1755 Snow Me The Money! Win up to $10,000! A $3 scratch game #1756 Peng-Win! Win up to $25,000! And a $30 scratch game #1751 $500,000 Cashword! Win up to $500,000!
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 04:01PM
Coming Soon!
On November 23, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch
of a new $10 scratch game #1757 White Ice! Win up to $100,000!
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 08:22AM
Ticket Checker Update!
Starting today, November 6, 2023 and over the next few weeks, an IGT Tech will visit your store to update the firmware for your ticket checker.
The update will take roughly 15-20 minutes to complete and will have zero impact on selling and cashing functions. Players will not be able to use the Ticket Checker during the update.
Friday, October 27, 2023 12:33PM
Coming Soon!
On October 30, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $1 scratch game #1752 Holiday Gifts! Win up to $1,000! A new $2 scratch game #1753 Happy Pawlidays! Win up to $10,000! And a new $5 scratch game #1754 Holiday Riches! Win up to $50,000!
Thursday, October 19, 2023 03:11PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of 20X Cash! On October 23, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $20 scratch game #1718 20X Cash 9th Edition! Win up to $20,000!
Friday, September 29, 2023 12:27PM
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of 10X Cash! On October 2, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of new $10 scratch game #1738 10X Cash 17th Edition! Win up to $10,000!
Friday, September 29, 2023 11:39AM
Attention Retailers!Starting today, 9/29/23 the $20 price point games
will be excluded from the 85% Automatic Settlement criteria.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 03:51PM
The estimated Jackpot for Wednesday, September 27, 2023 is $850 Million! Sell the Top Prize and you can earn $100,000 bonus! Please be mindful of your terminal paper and do not run out!
Friday, September 22, 2023 03:30PM
Powerful News!
The estimated jackpot for Saturday, September 23, 2023 is $750 Million! Remind players about adding PowerPlay to their purchase! Please be mindful of your terminal paper and do not run out!
Friday, September 22, 2023 09:36AM
Coming Soon!
On September 25, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $1 scratch game #1747 Line 'Em Up! Win up to $3,000! And a new $2 scratch game #1748 Diamond Mine! Win up to $10,000!
Friday, September 15, 2023 03:33PM
Powerball Jackpot!
The estimated Powerball Jackpot for Saturday, September 16, 2023 is $596 Million! Remind players about adding PowerPlay to their purchase! Please be mindful of your terminal paper and do not run out!
Friday, September 15, 2023 10:14AM
Coming Soon!
On September 18, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $3 scratch game #1735 Break The Bank! Win up to $30,000!
Friday, September 1, 2023 10:56AM
Attention Retailers!
The CT Lottery has moved! Our new corporate Headquarters and Claims Center is now open at 15 Sterling Drive, Wallingford, CT 06492. Please let your customers know! For more info: go to!
Tuesday, August 29, 2023 04:02PM
Attention Retailers!
The CT Lottery Claim Center is temporarily closed. It will reopen in our new Wallingford Corporate Headquarters later this week. Stay tuned for more information. Until then, please direct players to our High TierClaim Centers.
For more info: go to
Thursday, August 24, 2023 03:21PM
Attention Retailers!
The CT Lottery Claim Center is temporarily closed. It will reopen in our new Wallingford Corporate Headquarters next week. Stay tuned for more information. Until then, please direct players to our High TierClaim Centers.
For more info: go to
Monday, July 3, 2023 12:43PM
Due to the upcoming Holiday please rememberto deposit Lottery money into your Lottery bank
account by Monday 7/3/23. The EFT - Electronic
Funds Transfer will occur as usual.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 04:36PM
Please be aware that you must scan and confirm the
instant ticket manifest on the terminal before you can
activate a pack from your delivery!
Friday, June 2, 2023 04:03PM
You MUST scan your scratch ticket manifest before you can
activate packs. When you receive your
scratch ticket order, go to Scratch Game Functions then Order Confirmation.
Scan the Instant Ticket Manifest to receive your order. Then you will be able to ACTIVATE PACKS.
Friday, June 2, 2023 04:00PM
The last top prize for game #1700 X has been claimed. Stop selling tickets now. Remove all unsold tickets from dispensers. Put the game aside for return and credit.
Friday, June 2, 2023 03:59PM
last top prize for game #1646 $250,000 Cashword 9 has been claimed. Stop
selling tickets now. Remove all unsold
tickets from dispensers. Put the game
aside for return and credit.
Friday, May 19, 2023 12:49PM
Sunday, May 21st-when new gaming system goes live-players scanning
NON-WINNING draw tickets on ticket checker may show "Tray Again Later" message
for tickets bought before May 21, 2023. Players should check CLC website or winning
numbers report to verify results.
Thursday, May 18, 2023 03:57PM
New IGT Gaming System will Go-Live on Sunday mid-morning 5/21/23.
Check the CT Lottery website periodically on Sunday to get updates on the new
system status. Once the system is up sign on to your new IGT terminal using your
retailer # plus 00 at the end, for a 2nd terminal add 01
Thursday, May 18, 2023 02:53PM
On Go-Live Day Sunday, May 21, 2023 the wagering system will be
unavailable until mid-morning. Talk to your players about purchasing
Advance Action tickets for all draw games.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 01:04PM
On Go-Live Day, 5/21/23, current Fast Play Games will be replaced
with New Fast Play Games. Jackpots will roll into two new progressive
games: Money Bags and Stacks of Cash. Plus three other new games:
$3 Blazin Bingo, $20 Big Bank Roll and a new $3 Cashword will be added!
Monday, May 8, 2023 01:55PM
Effective May 21, 2023, the CT Lottery will no longer offer the 26 plays
for the price of 25 discount for our Lotto!, Cash5, Lucky For Life, Mega Millions
and Powerball games. Stay tuned for new consumer promotions and discounts
after we convert to our new system.
Friday, May 5, 2023 03:39PM
The CT Lottery is excited to announce that the New Gaming System
will go live on Sunday, May 21, 2023!
Friday, May 5, 2023 12:36PM
Coming Soon! On May 8, 2023 The CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $1 scratch game #1712 Did I Win? Win up to $2,000!
New $2 scratch game #1717 Mega Money 28th Edition! Win up to $20,000!
New $5 scratch game #1716 5X The Money 17th Edition! Win up to $50,000!
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 09:46AM
An initial distribution of IGT Terminal paper and Playslips will arrive at your location soon by UPS.
The carton will have an IGT label. Do not use playslips or load paper into the terminal until G0-Live Day!
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 07:48AM
New Gaming System is coming soon!
It is mandatory to keep the new IGT equipment plugged in
and powered on at all times. This ensures downloads for system updates.
Friday, April 21, 2023 08:35AM
Coming Soon!
On April 24, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new
$10 scratch game #1740 Extreme Green! Win up to $100,000!
Thursday, April 13, 2023 01:08PM
IN-PERSON training on the new IGT Terminals is MANDATORY. Your terminal
will be suspended if you do not attend your scheduled class. **NO EXCEPTIONS**
Your lottery sales will STOP on go-live day.
Call 888-465-5688 with questions.
Friday, March 10, 2023 03:27PM
Due to system maintenance and Daylight Savings time, the wagering system will shutdown at midnight
on Sunday, March 12, 2023 before the time change happens. Wagering system will resume at 5:00am on
Sunday, March 12, 2023!
Friday, March 10, 2023 03:25PM
Coming Soon! Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of Pinball Wizard!
On March 13, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $10 scratch game #1728 Pinball Wizard XXVII!
Win up to $100,000!
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 12:23PM
Friendly Reminder!
Time to renew your Lottery License. If you have not, please renew now.
Visit DCP website at for renewal information. For questions or issues
with your Lottery renewal email or call DCP 860-713-6000.
Monday, February 27, 2023 04:02PM
The Lucky for Life drawing for Sunday, February 26, 2023 has occurred. Results for the delayed
drawing are posted on our website and available on terminal reports,. Players can now check their ticket
Monday, February 27, 2023 11:57AM
The Lucky for Life drawing for Sunday, February 26, 2023 did not occur. Winning numbers for the
delayed drawing will be posted once the drawing can be completed.
Please tell players to hold onto their tickets.
Thursday, February 9, 2023 04:17PM
$100,000 Cash5 Bonus starts Monday, February 13, 2023. When players buy any Cash5 ticket, with or without the kicker, they have a chance to win a $10 cash voucher instantly, while supplies last!
Friday, February 3, 2023 09:31AM
Coming Soon!
On February 6, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $10 scratch
game #1705 $100,000 Cashword 12! Win up to $100,000! And a new $30 scratch game
#1680 30X Cash 10th Edition! Win up to $30,000!
Monday, January 23, 2023 03:34PM
Powerful News!
The Estimated Powerball Jackpot for Monday, January 23, 2023 is
$502 Million! Please be mindful of your terminal paper supplies and do not run out!
Remind customers about adding Powerplay to their purchase!
Friday, January 20, 2023 09:06AM
Coming Soon!
On January 23, 2023 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $3 scratch game #1683 Slingo! Win up to $30,000!
And a new $5 scratch game #1723 7! Win up to $77,777!
Friday, January 13, 2023 08:32AM
Attention Retailers Game #1581 10X Cash 15th Edition and game #1611 30X Cash 8th Edition
have officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets
from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Thursday, January 12, 2023 01:56PM
Mega News at CT Lottery!
The Mega Millions estimated jackpot for Friday, January 13th, 2023 is
$1.35 Billion! Maximize sales with Megaplier!
Please make sure you have plenty of terminal paper and bet slips.
Monday, January 9, 2023 02:57PM
Mega News at CT Lottery! The Mega Millions estimated jackpot for Tuesday, January 10th, 2023 is $1.1 Billion! Maximize sales with Megaplier! Please make sure you have plenty of terminal paper and bet slips.
Thursday, January 5, 2023 01:52PM
Mega News at CT Lottery! The Mega Millions estimated jackpot for Friday, January 6th, 2023 is $940 Million! Maximize sales with Megaplier! Please stay on top of your terminal paper supplies!
Thursday, January 5, 2023 01:29PM
Mega News at CT Lottery! The Mega Millions estimated jackpot for Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023 is $785 Million! Maximize sales with Megaplier! Please stay on top of your terminal paper supplies!
Friday, December 16, 2022 02:05PM
Coming Soon!
On December 19, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $5 scratch game #1695 Lady Luck Multiplier!
Win up to $50,000! And a new $10 scratch game #1701 Casino Nights!
Win up to $100,000!
Friday, December 9, 2022 02:48PM
Coming Soon!
On December 12, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new
$1 scratch game #1691 10 Spot! Win up to $500! And a new $20 scratch game
#1721 Strike It Rich! Win up to $1,000,000!
Wednesday, November 30, 2022 12:46PM
Please Read. Attention Retailers.
Starting 12/1/22, CT Lottery Courier, US Pack will be asking
retailers to sign for Scratch Ticket deliveries.
Friday, November 18, 2022 02:21PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of $3 Cashword!
On November 21, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of
a new $3 scratch game #1681 Cashword 30! Win up to $25,000!
Tuesday, November 8, 2022 10:31AM
The Powerball Drawing for Monday, 11/7/22 was delayed. The drawing has now occurred
and numbers posted. CT Lottery players can now cash their tickets. Current sales are
for Wednesday, 11/9. Jackpot amount is to be determined pending results from all states.
Friday, October 28, 2022 02:06PM
The Estimated Powerball Jackpot for Saturday, October 29, 2022 is $825 Million!
Sell the Top Prize and you can earn $100,000 selling bonus!
Please stay on top of your terminal paper supplies!
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 09:43AM
The Estimated Powerball Jackpot for Wednesday, October 26, 2022 has been raised to
$700 Million! Boost your sales-talk to players about adding PowerPlay to their purchase!
Please stay on top of your terminal paper supplies!
Wednesday, October 19, 2022 03:48PM
On 10/24/22 the CT Lottery will launch 4 new Holiday scratch games!
A $1 #1686 Holiday Cash! Win up to $1,000!
A $2 #1687 Merry Money Multiplier! Win up to $10,000!
A $5 #1688 Holiday Riches! Win up to $50,000!
And a $10 #1689 Holiday Bonus! Win up to $100,000!
Tuesday, October 11, 2022 11:59AM
Attention Retailers!
The $100,000 Play3-Play4 Bonus Consumer Promotion ended on 10/10/22!
All promotion prizes were awarded. Please remove all POS associated with this promotion!
Thank You!
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 09:09AM
Soon! On 10/3/22 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $10
scratch game #1726 Electric 7s 2nd Edition. Win up to $177,777! And a new $20
scratch game #1727 $500,000 Extravaganza 2nd Edition. Win up to $500,000!
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 09:08AM
Play3-Play4 Bonus Consumer Promotion! Starting 10/3/22 when players purchase
Play 3 or Play 4 day or night, with or without Wildball, they have a chance to
win a $10 cash voucher instantly, while supplies last. $100,000 in $10 cash vouchers
will be awarded.
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 03:12PM
Coming Soon!
On 9/26/22 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new
$1 scratch game #1690 Money Match! Win up to $3,000!
A new $5 scratch game #1709 Jewels Galore! Win up to $50,000!
And a new $30 scratch game #1699 $1,000,000 Extreme Cash! Win up to $1,000,000!
Thursday, September 8, 2022 09:47AM
A new $3 Fast Play Game will start on September 12, 2022, Fast Play Bingo!
Win up to $30,000 instantly! No progressive Jackpot. Loaded with additional prizes.
Reminder, Fast Play games cannot be cancelled!
Thursday, September 1, 2022 11:22AM
Coming Soon!
On Tuesday, September 06, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $2 scratch game #1725 $20,000 A Year For Life 2nd Edition!
Win up to $20,000 A Year For Life! And a new $3 scratch game
#1662 Cash Lines 2nd Edition. Win up to $25,000
Monday, August 29, 2022 08:24AM
Attention Retailers
Game #1613 Cash Lines has officially ended. If you have any,
please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets
from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Thursday, August 25, 2022 10:30AM
A new Fast Play Progressive series "Extreme Green" will begin on 8/29/22.
Players will have two Fast Play games to choose from "Lightning Fast Cash"
with a progressive jackpot starting at $5,000 and "Extreme Green" with a
progressive jackpot starting at $10,000!
Thursday, August 18, 2022 11:37AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, August 22, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $5 scratch game #1713 $500 Frenzy! Win up to $50,000!
And a new $10 scratch game #1692 Hot Millions! Win up to $1,000,000!
Thursday, August 11, 2022 02:29PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, August 15, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $1 scratch game #1655 $10,000 Jackpot! Win up to $10,000!
And a new $2 scratch game #1708 8! Win up to $8,888!
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 09:40AM
Attention Retailers!
Game #1663 $500,000 Extravaganza and game #1664 Electric 7s
have officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling tickets
immediately. Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending
machine for return and credit.
Tuesday, August 2, 2022 08:58AM
Saybrook Wine and Spirits in Old Saybrook sold the $1.8 Million Lotto winning ticket for
the July, 29, 2022 drawing! Winning numbers were 2-6-7-26-28-30. Saybrook Wine and Spirits
will receive a $10,000 selling bonus!
Friday, July 29, 2022 03:34PM
Wow! Mega Millions is making News!
The Mega Millions estimated jackpot for Friday, July 29 has been raised
to $1.28 Billion! Maximize sales with Megaplier! Please stay on top of your terminal paper supplies!
Friday, July 29, 2022 11:47AM
Attention Retailers
Game #1650 $10,000 50th Anniversary and game #1653 $100,000 50th Anniversary have
officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold
tickets from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Thursday, July 28, 2022 11:07AM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of 200X!
On August 1, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $20 scratch
game #1702 200X 2nd Edition! Win up to $1,000,000!
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 03:45PM
Mega News at CT Lottery!
The Mega Millions estimated jackpot for Friday, July 29 is $1.025 Billion!
Maximize sales with Megaplier! Please stay on top of your terminal paper supplies!
Monday, July 25, 2022 04:01PM
The Mega Millions estimated jackpot for Tuesday, July 26 is $810 Million!
Sell the TOP PRIZE and you can earn $100,000 selling bonus!
Maximize sales with Megaplier!
Please stay on top of your terminal paper supplies!
Thursday, July 21, 2022 03:32PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, July 25, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new
$5 scratch game #1668 Spicy Hot Cash! Win up to $50,000!
And a new $20 scratch game #1697 Lucky 777! Win up to $277,777!
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 03:57PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, July 18, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $1 scratch game
#1684 Hot Ticket! Win up to $2,000! And a new $2 scratch game #1685 High Roller! Win up to $20,000!
Friday, July 8, 2022 03:23PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, July 11, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $2 scratch game #1659 Red Hot Bingo! Win up to $20,000!
Thursday, July 7, 2022 02:02PM
Lottery sales agents whose
accounts were determined delinquent at a hearing
and whose debt was subject
to compounding interest on or prior to June 30,
2022, may apply to the
commissioner for a hardship waiver to reduce the
amount of delinquent
interest to an amount based on simple interest.
Monday, June 27, 2022 08:47AM
Attention Retailers Game #1569 Aces High 26th Edition and game #1585 Quick $100s have
officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold
tickets from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Thursday, June 23, 2022 12:36PM
The wagering system will shutdown at 12:00am on Sunday, June 26, 2022
in order to prepare for a system maintenance. Please keep your terminal
powered on. Wagering will resume by 5:00am on Sunday, June 26, 2022.
Thursday, June 23, 2022 12:35PM
A new Fast Play Progressive series "Lightning Fast Cash" will begin on 6/27/22.
Players will have two Fast Play games to choose from "Super 7s" with a progressive
jackpot starting at $10,000 and "Lightning Fast Cash" with a progressive jackpot
starting at $5,000! Info at
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 03:55PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of 20X Cash!
On June 27, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new
$20 scratch game #1676 20X Cash 8th Edition! Win up to $20,000!
Friday, June 17, 2022 03:15PM
The wagering system will shutdown at 12:00am on Sunday, June 19, 2022 in order to prepare for a system
maintenance. Please keep your terminal powered on. Wagering will resume by 5:00am on Sunday, June 19, 2022.
Friday, June 17, 2022 09:46AM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of 3X The Cash!
On June 20, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $3 scratch game
#1636 3X The Cash 11th Edition! Win up to $30,000!
Tuesday, June 14, 2022 04:16PM
Attention Retailers
Game #1657 $20,000 A Year For Life has officially ended. If you have any,
please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets from
dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Wednesday, June 8, 2022 04:04PM
Important information! Due to a Verizon network disruption impacting Connecticut, your terminal may be experiencing slow processing. Verizon is working to resolve the issue by 8:00pm tonight.
Wednesday, June 8, 2022 03:45PM
Coming Soon! On Monday, June 13, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $3 scratch game #1667 Lucky Stars 2nd Edition! Win up to $30,000! And a new scratch game #1675 $150,000 A Year For Life! Win up to $150,000!
Friday, June 3, 2022 10:48AM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of Super Cashword!
On June 6, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $5 scratch game
#1645 Super Cashword 23! Win up to $50,000!
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 01:55PM
Coming Soon! Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of 10X Cash!
On May 31, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $10 scratch game #1648 10X Cash 16th Edition!
Win up to $10,000!
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 01:53PM
Attention Retailers
Game #1624 5X The Money 15th Edition has officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling tickets immediately.
Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Thursday, May 19, 2022 11:33AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, May 23, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $30 scratch game
#1677 Diamonds and Gold! Win up to $1,000,000!
Friday, May 13, 2022 12:17PM
Coming Soon! Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of $250,000 Cashword! On May 16, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of our classic $20 scratch game $250,000 Cashword 9! Win up to $250,000!
Friday, April 29, 2022 11:49AM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of Pinball Wizard XXVI!
On May 2, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new
$10 scratch game #1644 Pinball Wizard XXVI! Win up to $100,000!
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 04:05PM
Please leave terminal and all lottery equipment plugged in and powered on at all times.
Software updates are occurring overnight.
Thank You
Thursday, April 21, 2022 03:40PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, April 25, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $1 scratch game #1649 9s In A Line! Win up to $999! And a new $2 scratch game
#1657 $20,000 A Year For Life! Win up to $20,000 A Year For Life!
Monday, April 18, 2022 07:52AM
Games #1582 2 For $1, #1622 Holiday Bonus, #1524 iHeart Radio Concert Cash and #1568 20X Cash 6th Edition
have officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets
from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Monday, April 18, 2022 07:51AM
Today, 4/18/22 is your last day to submit your license renewal. If your renewal is not received by midnight,
you risk having your terminal suspended. Visit DCP website at to renew.
For questions go to
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 11:49AM
License Renewal Extension.
If you have not renewed your Lottery license, please renew now. Submit your application by midnight 4/18/22 or your terminal will be suspended. Visit DCP website at to renew. For questions go to
Thursday, March 17, 2022 11:22AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, March 21, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $20 scratch game #1663 $500,000 Extravaganza!
Win up to $500,000!
Tuesday, March 8, 2022 09:51AM
Coming Soon!
On Wednesday, March 9, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $1 scratch game #1650 $10,000 50th Anniversary! Win up to $10,000!
And a new $2 scratch game #1651 $20,000 50th Anniversary! Win up to $20,000!
Friday, March 4, 2022 09:12AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, March 7, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $5 scratch game #1652 $50,000 50th Anniversary! Win up to $50,000! And a new
$10 scratch game #1653 $100,000 50th Anniversary! Win up to $100,000!
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 09:51AM
Responsible Gambling Training!
March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. March 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022 log onto
and click on Retailers Retail Corner page/I am A Retailer/ Responsible Gambling/Quiz and complete an online training.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022 02:45PM
Coming Soon!
On Tuesday, February 22, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $20 scratch game #1661 200X! Win up to $1,000,000!
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 03:25PM
One Stop in Cheshire sold the top Powerball jackpot winning ticket worth $183 Million
for the February 14, 2022 drawing! The winning numbers were 16-25-27-49\r\n55-PB 17- PP 3.
One Stop will receive a $100,000 selling bonus!
Monday, February 14, 2022 10:39AM
Fast Play 50th Anniversary Play Now! $20 Ticket Win up to $200,000! A total of 4 top prizes! There is no progressive Jackpot. Sell a top prize ticket and receive a $2,000 selling bonus! Fast Play tickets cannot be cancelled.
Thursday, February 10, 2022 03:12PM
A new $20 Fast Play Game will start 2/14/22!
Fast Play 50 Anniversary Gold! No Progressive Jackpot. The top prize is ALWAYS $200,000!
Loaded with additional prizes. Sell a top prize ticket and receive a $2,000 selling bonus!
Fast Play tickets cannot be cancelled.
Thursday, February 10, 2022 10:29AM
Friendly Reminder! Your current Lottery License expires on March 31, 2022.
If you have not, please renew now. Please visit DCP web site for renewal information.
All Lottery renewal inquiries should be sent to
Wednesday, February 2, 2022 03:36PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, February 7, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of a new $5 scratch game #1643 Lucky Cash!
Win up to $50,000!
Tuesday, January 25, 2022 03:29PM
Attention Retailers
Game #1590 Money Multiplier has officially ended. If you have any,
please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets from
dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Thursday, January 20, 2022 02:10PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, January 24, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $3 scratch game #1656 Super Double Win!
Win up to $30,000!
Wednesday, January 12, 2022 01:07PM
Coming Soon! Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of 30X Cash!
On January 18, 2022 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $30 scratch game
#1660 30X Cash 9th Edition! Win up to $30,000!
Thursday, January 6, 2022 11:28AM
Lottery coupons are valid in amounts of $1, $5, $10, $20, $25 or $50. They are easy to redeem for lottery purchases.
Scan the barcode, input last 4 digits of validation number or scan the
Scratch-2-Cash box on the back of the coupon. Earn your standard cashing
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 09:37AM
Coming Soon!
On Thursday, Dec 16, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $5 scratch game #1670 $50,000 Win It All! Win up to $50,000!
Monday, December 13, 2021 12:51PM
Responsible Gambling Training!
Now through Dec. 31, 2021 your Lottery Sales Rep will conduct a short Responsible Gambling Training
or direct you to CTLOTTERY.ORG go to Retailer Corner, under the Responsible Gambling heading.
Thank you for participating!
Friday, December 3, 2021 09:49AM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of
5X The Money! On December 6, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $5 scratch game #1624 5X The Money 15th Edition! Win up to $50,000!
Wednesday, December 1, 2021 07:47AM
Games #1433 Aces High 25th
Edition, #1592 $100 Explosion, #1549
Skee- Ball and #1562 Super Bonus Bucks
have officially ended. If you
have any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets
from dispensers and vending
machine for return and credit.
Monday, November 29, 2021 12:46PM
Responsible Gambling
Starting Nov. 29, 2021
through Dec. 31, 2021 your Lottery Sales Rep will conduct a short
Responsible Gambling Training
or direct you to CTLOTTERY.ORG go to Retailer Corner,
under the Responsible
Gambling heading. Thank you for participating!
Friday, November 26, 2021 12:38PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and
play style with the new version of Mega Money!
On November 29, 2021 the CT
Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $2 scratch game #1629
Mega Money 27th Edition! Win up to $20,000!
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 08:43AM
Responsible Gambling
Training starting Nov. 29, 2021 through Dec. 31, 2021.
Click on this link to take the Responsible Gambling Training:
Monday, November 8, 2021 09:24AM
Fast Play Promotion-Action
Check your game screen now.
If the Fast Play button is greyed out, reboot your terminal.
Allow time for all games to
load before signing on to your terminal. DO NOT hit cancel to
bypass the download. This
could take a few minutes to complete.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021 02:27PM
All issues with the Fast Play
Super 7s Promo have been resolved. Free tickets are printing for players and
now showing as a credit and promo under Daily Activity report. Remember the
promotion runs through
November 14, 2021.
Monday, November 1, 2021 03:10PM
The wagering system will shutdown at 12:00am on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 in order to prepare for a system maintenance. Please keep your terminal powered on. Wagering will resume by 5:00am on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.
Monday, November 1, 2021 11:55AM
There are accounting issues with the Fast Play Promo. Free tickets are printing for players but not showing
as a credit or promo under Daily Activity report. DO NOT
charge players for the Free ticket.
CT Lottery will reimburse you for the transaction.
More details to follow.
Friday, October 29, 2021 03:20PM
Fast Play Promotion!
Starting November 1, 2021
through November 14, 2021, purchase any draw ticket
(any dollar amount and any game)
for a chance to win a FREE $2 Super 7s Fast Play ticket!
The FREE ticket will print after the qualifying
draw ticket prints.
Thursday, October 28, 2021 03:46PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, November 1, 2021 the
CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of
a new $10 scratch game #1637
Winter Ice Multiplier! Win up to $100,000.
Thursday, October 21, 2021 09:30AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, October 25, 2021
the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new
$1 scratch game #1622 Holiday
Bonus! Win up to $1,000. A $2 scratch game
#1623 Holiday Cash! Win up to
$10,000! And a $5 scratch game #1625 Holiday Winnings!
Win up to $50,000!
Monday, October 18, 2021 12:41PM
Games #1575 Merry Money, #1561 $25, $50 or $100 Blowout, #1494 20x Cash 5th Edition and
#1487 30X Cash 6th Edition have officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling tickets immediately.
Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Thursday, September 30, 2021 03:52PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, October 4, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of a
new $20 scratch game #1638 Mega 7s! Win up to $277,777! Win
up to 36 times!
Friday, September 17, 2021 01:49PM
A new Fast Play Progressive series "Super 7s" will begin on 9/20/21.
Now players will have two
Fast Play games to choose from "Money Vault"
with a progressive jackpot
starting at $5,000 and "Super 7S" with a progressive jackpot
starting at $10,000! For more
Thursday, September 16, 2021 09:44AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday September 20, 2021
the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $5
scratch game #1619 $100,000 Fortune!
Win up to $100,000!
Thursday, September 16, 2021 09:43AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday September 20, 2021
the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $5
scratch game #1619 $100,000 Fortune!
Win up to $100,000!
Friday, September 10, 2021 08:22AM
Attention Retailers
The launch date for the new Fast
Play Progressive series "Super 7s"
has been changed to 9/20/21. For
more info log on
Thursday, September 9, 2021 07:36AM
Attention Retailers
On 9/6/21 from 1:30pm -
3:00pm, the Lottery system
experienced an interruption
with validating winning draw tickets.
If you experienced a problem
cashing a winning ticket please have
the customer contact
the Lottery at
Friday, August 27, 2021 01:00PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement
and play style with the new version of
20X Cash! On August 30,
2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch
a new $20 scratch game #1605 20X Cash 7th Edition! Win up to $20,000!
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 12:29PM
Attention Retailers
The delay in processing
the draw results for Powerball for the
Monday, August 23, 2021
drawing has been rectified. Retailers may resume
cashing all winning
tickets for the August 23, 2021 drawing.
Please let your players
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 10:38AM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement
and play style with the new version of
$3 Cashword! On August
26, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
of a new $3 scratch game #1607 Cashword #29! Win up to $25,000!
Tuesday, August 24, 2021 10:30AM
Attention Retailers
There has been a delay
in processing the draw results for
Powerball for the
Monday, August 23, 2021 drawing. Please tell your players
to hold on to their tickets.
We will let you know once the issue is resolved!
Thank You!
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 01:39PM
last top prize for game #1423 Win Up To $7,500 A Month For Life has been
claimed. Stop selling tickets now, remove all unsold tickets from dispensers
and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and credit. Please remove all
sales material for this game.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 01:37PM
The last top prize for game #1550 30x Cash 7th Edition has been claimed. Stop selling tickets now, remove all unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and credit. Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 01:31PM
Coming Tomorrow! On Thursday August 19, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $5 scratch game #1632 Scavenger Hunt special edition Win up to $50,000!
Wednesday, August 18, 2021 01:30PM
In order to prepare for the new drawing schedule (adding Monday), Advance Action Powerball purchases are limited to one (1) consecutive drawings as of today, and, until close of business - August 20, 2021. More info on:CTLOTTERY.ORG
Wednesday, August 11, 2021 08:11AM
In order to prepare for
the new drawing schedule (adding Monday), Advance
Action Powerball
purchases are limited to three (3) consecutive drawings as of
today, and, until close of business - August 13,
2021. More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 08:21AM
The Lucky For Life 365
Promotion runs from 8/2/21 - 8/15/21. For information on
accounting for the FREE
ticket please log onto and click on
Corner page/ I am a retailer/ Promotion.
Friday, July 30, 2021 03:24PM
Lucky For Life 365
Starting Monday, August
2, 2021 through Sunday, August 15, 2021 for
every 365th draw ticket
sold (all draw games, any amount) the CT Lottery
will award a FREE Lucky
For Life Quick Pick ticket ($2 value).
Friday, July 30, 2021 02:18PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday August 2,
2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $2
scratch game #1524 iHeart Radio Concert Cash.
Win up to $10,000!
Tuesday, July 27, 2021 04:21PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement
and play style with the new version of $100,000 Cashword!
On July 29, 2021 the CT
Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $10
scratch game #1606 $100,000 Cashword 11!
Win up to $100,000!
Friday, July 23, 2021 03:26PM
The wagering system
will shutdown at 12:00am on
Monday, July 26, 2021 in
order to prepare for a system maintenance. Please
keep your terminal
powered on. Wagering will resume by 5:00am on Monday,
26, 2021.
Thursday, July 22, 2021 12:08PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement
and play style with the new version of
Pinball Wizard! On July
26, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new scratch game #1626 Pinball
Wizard XXV! Win up to $100,000!
Wednesday, July 21, 2021 08:21AM
In order to prepare for
the new drawing schedule (adding Monday), Advance
Action Powerball
purchases are limited to five (5) consecutive drawings as of
today, and, until close
of business - August 6, 2021. More info on:
Friday, July 16, 2021 01:00PM
Exciting News! The new
daily drawing Lucky for Life draw game goes on sale
today, July 16, 2021 for Players to make Advance Action purchases for up to
twenty-six (26) consecutive
drawings. 1st drawing-New Daily Schedule starts on 7/19/21.
More info on:
Friday, July 16, 2021 09:51AM
Coming Soon! Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of $250,000 Cashword 8! On July 19, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $20 scratch game #1608 $250,000 Cashword 8! Win up to $250,000!
Friday, July 16, 2021 08:26AM
News! The new Lucky for Life draw game goes on sale today July 16, 2021.
Players may again purchase Advance Action Lucky for Life tickets for up to
twenty-six (26) consecutive drawings.
Thursday, July 15, 2021 12:48PM
The last top prize for game #1584 Red Hot Riches has been claimed. Stop selling tickets now, remove all unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and credit. Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Thursday, July 15, 2021 12:44PM
last top prize for game #1617 Big Money Multiplier has been claimed. Stop
selling tickets now, remove all unsold tickets from dispensers and vending
machines. Put the game aside for return and credit. Please remove all point of sale
material for this game.
Thursday, July 15, 2021 08:19AM
Due to Lucky for Life daily drawing change, Lucky for Life Advance Action Purchases will NOT be available until open of business July 16, 2021.
More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Monday, July 12, 2021 08:24AM
Due to Lucky For Life daily drawing change, Advance Action Lucky for Life purchases are limited to One (1) consecutive drawings as of today, and, until close of business July 14, 2021.
More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Monday, July 12, 2021 08:22AM
Fast Play News! Win Big! On Monday, July 12, 2021 at 5:00am a new Fast Play Progressive series "Money Vault" will begin. Enjoy the same progressive jackpots and price points. The Hot Ticket Progressive Jackpot will roll into Money Vault.
Please let your players know!
Friday, July 9, 2021 12:54PM
Coming Soon! On Monday, July 12, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $2 scratch game #1589 Bingo Doubler. Win up to $20,000! And a new $3 scratch game #1613 Cash Lines. Win up to $25,000!
Friday, July 9, 2021 12:53PM
Play News! Win Big! On Monday, July 12, 2021 at 5:00am a new Fast Play
Progressive series "Money Vault" will begin. Enjoy the same
progressive jackpots and price points. The Hot Ticket Progressive Jackpot will
roll into Money Vault. Please let your players know!
Thursday, July 1, 2021 08:19AM
Due to Lucky For Life daily drawing change, Advance Action Lucky for Life purchases are limited to four (4) consecutive drawings as of today, and, until close of business - July 4, 2021.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021 09:23AM
ATTENTION RETAILERS The wagering system will shut down at 12:00am on Thursday, July 1, 2021 in order to prepare for a system maintenance. Please keep your terminal powered on. Wagering will resume by 5:00am on Thursday, July 1, 2021.
Friday, June 25, 2021 04:25PM
ATTENTION RETAILERS : The wagering system will shut down at 12:00am on Monday, June 28, 2021 in order to prepare for a system maintenance. Please keep your terminal powered on. Wagering will resume by 5:00am on Monday, June 28, 2021.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021 12:05PM
In order to prepare for
the new drawing schedule (adding Monday), Advance Action Powerball
purchases are limited
to fifteen (15) consecutive drawings as of
today, and, until close
of business - July 2, 2021. More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Monday, June 14, 2021 09:27AM
Due to Lucky For Life
daily drawing change, Advance Action Lucky for Life
purchases are limited
to five (5) consecutive drawings as of today, and, until
of business - June 30, 2021. More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Friday, June 11, 2021 10:49AM
Attention Retailers
The delay in processing
the draw results for Powerball for the Wednesday,
June 9, 2021 drawing has
been rectified. Retailers may resume cashing all
winning tickets for the
June 9, 2021 drawing. Please let your players know!
Thursday, June 10, 2021 11:38AM
Attention Retailers
There has been a delay
in processing the draw results for Powerball for the
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
drawing. Please tell your players
to hold on to their tickets.
We will let you know once the issue is resolved!
Thank You!
Thursday, June 10, 2021 09:06AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, June 14,
2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $2
scratch game #1614 Payday Multiplier. Win up to
$20,000! And a new $5
scratch game #1617 Big Money Multiplier.
Win up to $50,000!
Thursday, May 27, 2021 07:47AM
Due to Lucky For Life
daily drawing change, Advance Action Lucky for Life
purchases are limited
to ten (10) consecutive drawings as of today, and, until
of business - June 13, 2021. More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 08:37AM
In order to prepare for
the new drawing schedule (adding Monday),
Advance Action
Powerball purchases are limited to twenty (20)
consecutive drawings as of today, and, until close of business –
June 15, 2021. More
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 09:43AM
*Powerful News from CT
Starting August 23,
2021 Powerball will be
drawn on Mondays in
addition to Wednesdays and Saturdays.
More information to come. Please let your
players know.
Thursday, May 13, 2021 09:22AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, May 17, 2021
the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $10
scratch game #1597 7s On Fire.
Win up to $177,777! And
a new $20 scratch game #1591 Let It Ride.
Win up to $200,000!
Monday, May 10, 2021 09:11AM
Due to Lucky For Life
daily drawing change, Advance Action Lucky for Life
purchases are limited
to fifteen (15) consecutive drawings as of today, and,
until close of business
- May 26, 2021. More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Thursday, May 6, 2021 12:49PM
Due to Lucky For Life
daily drawing change, Advance Action Lucky for Life
purchases are limited
to twenty (20) consecutive drawings as of today, and , until
of business - May 9, 2021. More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Thursday, April 29, 2021 03:09PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, May 3, 2021
the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $10 scratch game #1581
10X Cash 15th Edition. Win up to $10,000!
And a new $30 scratch game
#1611 30X Cash 8th Edition.
Win up to $30,000!
Thursday, April 22, 2021 03:28PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, April 26,
2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $1 scratch game #1609 Spicy
9s!! Win up to $999!
Tuesday, April 20, 2021 09:35AM
Starting July 19, 2021,
LUCKY FOR LIFE will be drawn every day!
Advance Action Lucky
for Life purchases are limited to twenty (20)
consecutive drawings as of today, and, Until close of business –
May 9, 2021. More info
Friday, April 16, 2021 12:47PM
Important Reminder!
If you have not renewed
your Lottery license, please renew
now. Applications must
be submitted by 4/19/21 or your terminal will be
suspended. Visit DCP
website at to renew. For questions go to
Thursday, April 15, 2021 01:36PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, April 19,
2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $3
scratch game #1610 Lucky Stars! Win up to $30,000!
new $5 scratch game #1615 Fantastic 5s! Win up to $55,555!
Thursday, April 1, 2021 01:21PM
Important Reminder! If you have not renewed your Lottery license, please renew now. Applications must be submitted by 4/19/21 or your terminal will be suspended. Visit DCP website at to renew. For questions go to
Monday, March 29, 2021 09:21AM
Monday, March 29, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $2 scratch game #1598 24K Gold! Win up to $24,000!
Monday, March 29, 2021 09:14AM
Games #1486 Hot $100, #1507 I Heart Cash, #1532 Space Invaders, #1573 Holiday Cash and #1440 Pinball Wizard XX11 have officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling tickets immediately. Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machine for return and credit.
Monday, March 29, 2021 09:06AM
The last top prize for game #1445 Cash Celebration has been
claimed. Stop selling tickets now, remove all unsold tickets from
dispensers and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and
credit. Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Thursday, March 18, 2021 11:53AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, March 22,
2021 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of
a new $1 scratch game #1572 Jumbo Bucks! Win up to
$10,000! And new $10 scratch game #1590 Money
Multiplier! Win up to $100,000!
Friday, March 12, 2021 12:29PM
Wild Ball Promotion!
Starting 3/15/21 through 3/28/21 when players purchase any Play3/Play4 Day or Night
ticket with or without
Wild Ball, they are eligible to win a FREE $0.50 Quick Pick
ticket with Wild Ball
($1.00) value. While supplies last!
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 09:31AM
Play3/Play4 with Wild
Ball News!
Play3/Play4 with Wild
Ball is selling very well.
Please continue to
display advertising material for your players to see and refer
them to the website to learn
more about the new Wild Ball feature.
For more info. Visit!
Monday, March 8, 2021 08:35AM
Attention Retailers
Play3/Play4 with Wild Ball!
Remember, the Wild Ball
DOES NOT replace a number on your ticket.
It replaces one of the numbers
drawn by the Lottery. For detailed info.
Visit and
scroll down to Play3/Play4 with Wild Ball winning numbers!
Friday, March 5, 2021 12:22PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement
and play style with the new version of
Super Cashword! On
March 8, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $5
scratch game #1570 Super Cashword 22! Win up to $50,000!
Monday, March 1, 2021 03:17PM
Responsible Gambling
March is Problem
Gambling Awareness Month.
March 2, 2021 through March
31, 2021 log onto
and click on Retailers,
Retail Corner page/I am A Retailer/
Gambling/Quiz and complete an online training.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 08:33AM
Do not miss out -
receive credit for Ended Games!
By now you should have received
a Blue Return Kit.
follow instructions.
The Courier will be
picking up yellow bags weekly.
Call 1-800-842-5688 #1 for
Thank you!
Monday, February 22, 2021 09:29AM
Attention Retailers!
The New Play3/Play4
Wild Ball draw game is on sale now.
Please start using the
new Play3/Play4 Wild Ball playslips that were
delivered to your
business. The old Playslips will not work.
Thank You
Monday, February 22, 2021 08:13AM
Exciting News!
The new Play3/Play4
with Wild Ball draw game goes on sale
today February 22,
2021. Players may again purchase Advance Action
Play3/Play4 with Wild
Ball tickets for up six (6) consecutive drawings.
Friday, February 19, 2021 07:39AM
Due to, add-on feature
Wild Ball, Advance Action Play3/Play4 purchases are
limited to two(2) consecutive
drawings as of today February 19, 2021.
More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG.
Thursday, February 18, 2021 03:49PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, February 22,
2021 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of a new $2 scratch game #1580 Lotto Cash!
Win up to $20,000! And new $5 scratch game #1596 $! Win up to $50,000!
Thursday, February 18, 2021 07:37AM
Due to, add-on feature
Wild Ball, Advance Action Play3/Play4 purchases are
limited to three (3) consecutive
drawings as of today February 18, 2021.
More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 08:46AM
Due to, add-on feature
Wild Ball, Advance Action Play3/Play4 purchases are
limited to four(4) consecutive
drawings as of today February 17, 2021.
More info on: CTLOTTERY.ORG.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021 02:11PM
Due to, add-on feature Wild Ball, Advance
Action Play3/Play4 purchases are
limited to five (5) consecutive drawings as of
today February 16, 2021.
More info on:\r\nCTLOTTERY.ORG.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021 02:08PM
Do not miss out - receive credit for Ended
By now you should have received a Blue Return
Kit. Open it IMMEDIATELY and follow instructions.
The courier will be picking up yellow bags
weekly. Call 1-800-842-5688 #1
for questions. Thank You!
Thursday, February 11, 2021 03:42PM
Software updates will
load onto your terminal beginning 2/12/21 until 2/21/21.
Leave your terminal and
all lottery equipment powered on at all times including
Thank You
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 11:00AM
WILD BALL add-on
feature to Play3/Play4 draw games
starts on 2/22/21.
Adding Wild Ball (0-9) to Play3/Play4 doubles
the cost of wager. Wild
Ball creates more combinations and increases
the chance of winning.
Let your players know about Play3/Play4 Wild Ball!
Monday, February 8, 2021 03:03PM
*Ended Games Return
Kit* "Optional"
The courier will start
delivering Blue Return Kits to your
store this week. In
order to receive credit for ended games
instructions. Your field rep
will contact you with more
info. Call 1-800-842-5688 #1 for questions
Friday, January 29, 2021 12:02PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, February 1, 2021 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of
a new $1 scratch game #1582 2 For $1!
Win up to $2,000! And
new $2 scratch game #1566 Instant Bingo!
Win up to $10,000!
Monday, January 25, 2021 08:13AM
Attention Retailers!
New Play3/ Play4 Playslips
with Wild Ball feature will be delivered to your
business starting 1/25/21, labeled DO NOT USE UNTIL 2/22/21.
The old Play3/Play4 Playslips will
not work after 2/22/21.
Monday, January 25, 2021 07:35AM
Fast Play News! Win Big!
On Monday, Jan. 25, 2021 at 5:00am a new Fast Play Progressive series "Hot Ticket"
will begin. Easy to read and play. Enjoy the same progressive jackpots and price points.
The Cash Blast Progressive Jackpot
will roll into HOT TICKET.
Thursday, January 21, 2021 03:16PM
Mega News at CT Lottery!
The Mega Millions Estimated
Jackpot for Friday, January 22, 2021 is $970 Million!
Sell the TOP PRIZE and you
can earn $100,000 selling bonus! Maximize sales with
Megaplier! Please let your players
know! Happy Selling!
Thursday, January 21, 2021 12:54PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, January 25, 2021
the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of
a new $5 scratch game #1593 Poker Night! Win up to $50,000!
And a new $20 scratch game #1600 Chrome! Win up to $1,000,000! Win up
to 31 times!
Friday, January 15, 2021 03:35PM
The estimated jackpot for
Mega Millions is $750 Million and Powerball is $640 Million! Increase
profits by upselling
Megaplier and Powerplay! Please keep on top of your terminal paper supplies
Friday, January 15, 2021 03:34PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and
play style with the new version of 3X The Cash!
On January 19, 2021 the CT
Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $3 scratch
game #1571 3X The Cash 10th Edition! Win up to
$30,000! 15 chances to win!
Friday, January 8, 2021 03:44PM
In spite of cold
temperatures, JACKPOTS are HOT! Play both! The estimated
jackpot for Mega
Millions is $520 Million and Powerball is $470 Million! Increase
profits by upselling
Megaplier and Powerplay! Please stay on top of your
paper supplies!
Thursday, January 7, 2021 12:49PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, January 11, 2021
the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $1 scratch
game #1592 $100 Explosion!
Loaded with $100
prizes! A new $3 scratch game #1526 Play 2! Win up to
And a $10 scratch game #1595 Millionaire! Win up to $1,000,000!
Monday, December 21, 2020 08:18AM
Attention Retailers
Game #1528 $25,$50 or
$100 has officially ended.
If you have any, please
stop selling tickets immediately.
Remove unsold tickets from
dispensers and vending machine
put the game aside for
return and credit.
Friday, December 18, 2020 12:45PM
The estimated jackpot
for Mega Millions is $310 Million and
Powerball is $304
Million! Increase profits by upselling
Megaplier and
Powerplay! Please keep on top of your
terminal paper supplies!
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 07:55AM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement
and play style with the new version of
20X Cash! On December
10, 2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $20
scratch game #1568 20X Cash 6th Edition!
Win up to $20,000! 20
chances to win!
Friday, November 27, 2020 09:46AM
Responsible Gambling Training! Starting Nov. 30, 2020 through Dec. 31 2020 your Lottery Sales Rep. will conduct a short Responsible Gambling Training or direct you to CTLOTTERY.ORG go to Retailer Corner, under the Responsible Gambling heading. Thank you for participating!
Friday, November 27, 2020 08:33AM
Coming Soon! On Monday, November 30, 2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $20 scratch game #1584 Red Hot Riches. Win up to $500,000
Monday, November 23, 2020 09:58AM
The last top prize for game #1515 $250,000 Cashword 6 has been claimed. Stop selling tickets now, remove all unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and credit. Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Friday, November 13, 2020 09:10AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, November 16, 2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a new $2 scratch game #1576 Snow Me the Money, a new $3 scratch game #1577 Winter Double Win, and a new $10 scratch game #1578 Winter Winnings
Thursday, November 12, 2020 02:00PM
The last top prize for game #1538 Wild 7s has been claimed. Stop selling tickets now, remove all unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and credit. Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Friday, November 6, 2020 03:11PM
The wagering system
will shutdown at 12:00AM on
Sunday, November 8,
2020 in order to prepare for a system maintenance.
Please keep your terminal
powered on. The Wagering System will resume at
on Sunday, November 8, 2020.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 03:19PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, October 26, 2020
the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of
a new $1 scratch game #1573 Holiday Cash!
Win up to $1,000! A new
$2 scratch game #1574 Holiday Bonus! Win up to $10,000!
a $5 scratch game #1575 Merry Money! Win up to $50,000!
Thursday, October 15, 2020 03:16PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement
and play style with the new version of
$250,000 Cashword! On
October 19, 2020 The CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of a
new $20 scratch game #1557 $250,000 Cashword 7!
up to $250,000! Win up to 20 times!
Friday, October 2, 2020 03:25PM
Fast Play News! Win
On Monday, October 5,
2020 at 5:00am a new Fast Play Progressive series
"Cash Blast"
will begin. Enjoy the same play style, progressive jackpots
and price point. The
Jumbo Bucks Progressive Jackpot will roll into
Friday, October 2, 2020 08:16AM
A New Fast Play series CASH BLAST will begin on 10/5 @5:00am.
Please see link below for flyer
Thursday, September 24, 2020 10:27AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, September
28, 2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $2
scratch game #1563 Double It! Win up to $20,000!
And a new $5 scratch
game #1564 Casino Cash! Win up to $50,000!
up to 15 times!
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 07:53AM
Attention Retailers!
Games #1451 Decades Of Dollars, #1471 Fast $50s and
#1476 Hit $100s have
officially ended. If you have any, please stop selling
tickets immediately.
Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending
machine put the games aside for return and credit.
Thursday, September 10, 2020 09:50AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, September
14, 2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $2
scratch game #1539 Bingo Night! Win up to $20,000!
And a new $3 scratch
game #1549 Skee-Ball! Win up to $25,000!
Friday, August 28, 2020 09:34AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, August 31,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of
a new $1 scratch game #1538 Wild 7s!
Win up to $7,777! And a
new $2 scratch game #1551 Blackjack Tripler!
Win up to $21,000!
Friday, August 21, 2020 01:03PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, August 24,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of
a new $5 scratch game #1562 Super Bonus Bucks!
Win up to $50,000! And
a new $30 scratch game #1545 Mega Multiplier!
Win up to $1,000,000!
Thursday, August 20, 2020 01:53PM
Software updates are occurring
now, please leave terminal and all lottery
equipment plugged in
and powered on at all times including overnight.
Thank You
Thursday, August 20, 2020 12:08PM
Attention Retailers!
The last top prize for
game #1534 Super 7 11 21 was claimed on 8/7/20.
Stop selling tickets
immediately. Remove unsold tickets from dispensers and
vending machines put the
game aside for return and credit
Thursday, August 13, 2020 09:38AM
Back in March 2020, CLC
changed the automatic pack settlement per number of
days from 120 to 150.
Over the next three weeks we will go back to our standard
120 days automatic settlement.
Please check your In-Use report to keep on top
of games that have been activated for 120-150
Friday, August 7, 2020 03:18PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the new version of
30X Cash! On August 10,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch
a new $30 scratch game #1550 30X Cash 7th Edition! Win up to $30,000!
Thursday, August 6, 2020 03:53PM
CT Lottery Rocky Hill
Headquarters is now open to the public. In addition to
drop-off for claims, we
are now accepting walk-in claims for prizes $600 and
above during normal business hours Monday – Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm.
Some social distancing
restrictions may apply.
Thursday, August 6, 2020 09:04AM
CT Lottery Rocky Hill Headquarters is now open to the
public. We will be following CDC guidelines
and social distancing measures will be in place. Prize claims at the retail and
via mail-in continue as normal; claims for prizes more than $50,000 must be
made in person.
Prize claims for $10,000 and greater can still be made in person by appointment if desired.
In addition to drop-offs for claims above $599, we are now accepting walk-in claims for any prizes above $599 with some restrictions. Either can be done during normal business hours Monday-Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020 09:19AM
Coming Soon! Enjoy the
same excitement and play style with the new version of
Cashword! On August 6,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch
a new $3 scratch game #1543 Cashword 28! Win up to $25,000!
Monday, August 3, 2020 01:46PM
Back in March 2020, CLC
changed the automatic pack settlement per number of
days from 120 to 150.
Over the next three weeks we will go back to our standard
120 days automatic settlement.
Please check your In-Use report to keep on top
games that have been activated for 120-150 days.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 11:15AM
The last top prize for
game #1446 25 Grand has been claimed. Stop selling
tickets now, remove all
unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sales
for this game.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 10:36AM
JM Food and Grocery LLC
in Danbury sold a progressive jackpot
winning ticket for Fast
Play $1 Jumbo Bucks worth $16,317.00. And
Amodeos Highland Park
in Waterbury sold a progressive jackpot winning
ticket for Fast Play $5
Jumbo Bucks worth $120,887.00!
Wednesday, July 29, 2020 08:56AM
The last top prize for
game #1547 Classic Poker has been claimed. Stop selling
tickets now, remove all
unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sales
for this game.
Friday, July 24, 2020 10:26AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, July 27, 2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $2 scratch game #1556 Electric 8s!
Win up to $20,000!And a new $5 scratch
game #1565 50K! Win up to $50,000!
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 01:53PM
Fast Play! Win Big!
Fast Play is selling
well and the progressive jackpot is growing!
Please display Fast
Play brochures and advertising materials for your
player to see and learn
about the game! Monitor your paper stock to keep up
the demand.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020 11:11AM
Attention Retailers
The new game from CT Lottery "Fast Play" starts on 7/20/20!
It plays like an
instant ticket but prints from the terminal or vending machine.
The price is $1, $2 or
$5! Jackpot grows with each ticket sold!
Please let your customers
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 09:30AM
Attention Retailers
Look for CT Lottery
Fast Play POS Kit delivered to your
business on 7/6/20 by
US Pack (courier). Place POS in your store and let
customers know about
Fast Play. Start selling on 7/20/20. For more info visit Corner
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 08:07AM
CT Lottery Fast Play
On 7/7/20 you will see
the new Fast Play Button "grayed out" on your wave terminal
and vending machine.
When sales begin on 7/20/20 the Fast Play Button will be
clearly visible and
available to be used.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020 11:28AM
Attention Retailers Today
6/30/20 will be the last drawing for game Lucky Links
Day and Night. The game
will no longer be available for purchase.
More info on:
Tuesday, June 30, 2020 07:54AM
A new game from CT
Lottery "FAST PLAY". It plays like an
instant scratch ticket
but prints from the Terminal or Vending Machine.
Price points are $1, $2
or $5 with a progressive jackpot that grows with each ticket sold.
Monday, June 29, 2020 09:44AM
Due to end of game,
Lucky Links Day and Night Advance Action purchases are
limited to one (1) consecutive drawings. More
Friday, June 26, 2020 12:21PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, June 29,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $2
scratch game #1552 Double Dollars! Win up to $20,000!
And a new $5 scratch
game #1559 Win It All! Win up to $50,000!
Friday, June 26, 2020 09:59AM
Due to end of game,
Lucky Links Day and Night Advance Action purchases are
to four (4) consecutive drawings. More info: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Thursday, June 25, 2020 10:05AM
Due to end of game,
Lucky Links Day and Night Advance Action purchases are
to five (5) consecutive drawings. More info: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Wednesday, June 24, 2020 02:29PM
Due to end of game,
Lucky Links Day and Night Advance Action purchases are
to six (6) consecutive drawings. More info: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 11:35AM
The last top prize for
game #1544 Diamond 7s has been claimed. Stop selling
tickets now, remove all
unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sales
for this game.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 11:24AM
Due to end of game,
Lucky Links Day and Night Advance Action purchases are
limited to seven (7) consecutive
drawings as of today, and, until close of
June 23, 2020. More info: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Wednesday, June 10, 2020 10:26AM
Due to end of game,
Lucky Links Day and Night Advance Action purchases are
limited to fourteen
(14) consecutive drawings as of today, and, until close of
- June 16, 2020. More info: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Friday, June 5, 2020 02:55PM
$200,000 CASH BLAST
Consumer Promotion!
Starting 6/8/20 - 6/21/20 when players buy a Play3 or Play4 Day or Night ticket they
have a chance to win a $10 Cash Voucher Instantly, while supplies last!
$200,000 in $10 Cash Vouchers will be awarded and can be redeemed towards the
next lottery purchase or for the cash value.
The $10 Cash Voucher will expire within 180
Friday, June 5, 2020 08:14AM
Due to end of game,
Lucky Links Day and Night Advance Action purchases are
limited to twenty-one
(21) consecutive drawings as of today, and, until close of
- June 9, 2020. More info: CTLOTTERY.ORG
Thursday, June 4, 2020 01:50PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, June 8, 2020
the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $10 scratch game #1561
$25,$50 or $100 Blowout!
exclusively with $25, $50 and $100 prizes!
Thursday, June 4, 2020 12:48PM
Continue to check here for important updates.
Please see link below with the latest:
Monday, June 1, 2020 12:42PM
Attention Retailers
The draw game Lucky
Links with 2XPower will be ending on June 30, 2020.
Advance Action will be
available but limited. For moreinformation
go to Retailer Corner.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020 09:12AM
Attention Retailers
Help your customers avoid lines at the ticket checker.
Go to "Retailer Corner" and print a flyer about
checking tickets on the ctlottery app!
Please let your customers know!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020 08:32AM
Attention Retailers
Help your customers avoid lines at the ticket checker.
Go to "Retailer Corner" and print a flyer
about checking tickets
on the ctlottery app! Please let your customers.
Friday, May 22, 2020 08:04AM
The last top prize for
game #1514 Power 5s has been claimed Stop selling
tickets now, remove all
unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sales
for this game.
Thursday, May 21, 2020 02:10PM
Coming Soon!
On Tuesday, May 26,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $1
scratch game #1532 Space Invaders! Win up to $3,000!
And a new $5 scratch
game #1555 Money Match Bonus! Win up to $50,000!
Thursday, May 14, 2020 02:12PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, May 18, 2020
the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $20 scratch game #1546
Deluxe! Win up to $500,000!
Thursday, May 7, 2020 11:13AM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement
and play style with the new version of 10X Cash!
On May 11, 2020 the CT
Lottery is excited to announce the launch of
a new $10 scratch game
#1531 10X Cash 14th Edition! Win up to $10,000!
chances to win!
Thursday, April 30, 2020 03:18PM
Coming Soon!
Enjoy the same excitement
and play style with the new version of
$100,000 Cashword! On
May 4, 2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $10
scratch game #1529 $100,000 Cashword 10 !
Win up to $100,000!
Wednesday, April 22, 2020 02:37PM
The last top prize for
game #1519 Casino Royale has been claimed. Stop
selling tickets now, remove
all unsold tickets from dispensers and vending
machines. Put the game
aside for return and credit. Please remove all point of
material for this game.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020 02:36PM
The last top prize for
game #1498 2 for $1 has been claimed. Stop selling
tickets now, remove all
unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sales
for this game.
Monday, April 13, 2020 03:15PM
Please continue to
check our website for important updates like how to sanitize
your Wave Terminal and Lottery
vending machine. Go to click on
Monday, April 13, 2020 02:34PM
The last top prize for
game #1504 Holiday Cheer has been claimed. Stop selling
tickets now, remove all
unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sales
for this game.
Thursday, April 9, 2020 09:57AM
The last top prizes for
games #1499 Silver and #1506 Ruby Bingo Tripler have
been claimed. Stop selling
tickets now, remove unsold tickets from dispensers
and vending machines.
Put the game aside for return and credit. Please remove
sales material for these games.
Thursday, April 9, 2020 09:56AM
The last top prize for
game #1478 Play 2 has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets now,
remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sales material for
Wednesday, April 1, 2020 12:20PM
Keeping everyone safe
is important during this crisis. A social distancing flyer
that you can print and
post in your store is on our website. Go to
on Retailers/Retailer Corner/News Messages
Wednesday, April 1, 2020 09:20AM
Click below to download flyer so you can print and post in your store.
Social Distance Message Flyer
Friday, March 27, 2020 04:15PM
CT Lottery supports our retailers at this challenging time. Inside Sales calls and delivery
of instant tickets continue. The SGI call center is open for
terminal related issues and supplies.
Be advised, Field Reps are not visiting stores. Visit for more updates
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 12:27PM
The CT Lottery has
extended the claims expiration period by 30 days
for all tickets
originally due to expire from 3/16/20 - 4/14/20.
For more information go to
Friday, March 20, 2020 03:22PM
Prize Claims:
Prizes up to $599 can be cashed by Retailer. Prizes from
$600 - $5,000 can be
claimed at High-Tier Claim centers or by mail.
Prizes $5,001 - $49,999
MUST be mailed in. Prizes $50,000 and above MUST be
claimed by appointment ONLY.
Call (860) 713-2700 for more info.
Thursday, March 19, 2020 02:04PM
Public access to the
Rocky Hill Headquarters for in-person claims is being
restricted. Prizes
$5,000 - $49,999 MUST be claimed by mail. For instructions,
visit Prizes
$50,000 and above MUST be claimed in-person,
by appointment ONLY at
CT Lottery Headquarters. Call (860) 713-2679 for appointment.
For more information
Please check our website and Retailer Corner for
Friday, March 13, 2020 02:29PM
The last top prize for
game #1508 Double Win has been claimed. Stop selling
tickets now, remove
unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sales
for this game.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 09:27AM
The last top prize for game #1406 30X Cash 5th Edition has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets now, remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending
machines. Put the game
aside for return and credit. Please remove all point of
material for this game.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 09:10AM
Responsible Gambling Training! Starting March 2, 2020 through March 31, 2020 go to CTLOTTERY.ORG, Retailer Corner, News Messages.
Click on this link to take the Responsible Gambling Training
Tuesday, March 10, 2020 08:10AM
Coming Soon!
On Wednesday, March 11,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of
a new $5 scratch game #1516 Money Vault Multiplier!
Win up to $50,000! And
a new $10 scratch game #1528 $25, $50 or $100!
Loaded with $25, $50 and $100 prizes.
Friday, March 6, 2020 01:07PM
Responsible Gambling
March is Problem
Gambling Awareness Month.
Now through March 31,
2020 log onto and click on
Retailers/Retailer Corner and complete an online
Tuesday, March 3, 2020 12:51PM
The last top prize for
game #1521 Fireball 7s has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets
now, remove unsold tickets from dispensers
and vending machines. Put
the game aside for return and credit.
Please remove all point
of sales material for this game.
Monday, March 2, 2020 09:12AM
Retailer Incentive!
Starting 3/1/20-5/30/20 increase sales above
your baseline goal and
earn an incentive on your incremental sales.
To qualify, retailers
must be open and active all weeks during
baseline and incentive period. Talk to your Lottery Sales Rep
find out more.
Monday, March 2, 2020 08:18AM
Responsible Gambling Training! Starting March 2, 2020 through March 31, 2020 go to CTLOTTERY.ORG, Retailer Corner, News Messages.
Click on this link to take the Responsible Gambling Training:
Friday, February 28, 2020 09:26AM
Responsible Gambling
March is Problem
Gambling Awareness Month.
March 2, 2020 through March
31, 2020 log onto
and click on Retailers/Retailer
Corner and complete an online training.
Friday, February 28, 2020 09:23AM
7-Eleven #32518B in New
London sold the last top prize winning scratch
ticket for game #1287
$1,000,000 Diamonds. The ticket was worth
$1,000,000. 7-Eleven received
a $10,000 selling bonus!
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 10:30AM
The last top prize for
game #1464 Wild Bingo has been claimed Stop selling
tickets now, remove unsold tickets from dispensers and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sales
material for this game.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020 09:03AM
The last top prize for
game #1334 Win Up To $2,000 A Month For Life 2nd Ed.
has been claimed. Stop selling
tickets now, remove unsold tickets from
dispensers and vending machines.
Put the game aside for return and credit.
Please remove all material for this game
Monday, February 24, 2020 02:50PM
The last top prize for
game #1480 20X Cash 4th Edition has been claimed. Stop
selling tickets now, remove
unsold tickets from dispenser and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sale
for this game.
Thursday, February 20, 2020 09:36AM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, February 24,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $1
scratch game #1498 2 For $1! Win up to $2,000!
And a new $2 scratch
game #1522 Double Match! Win up to $20,000!
Tuesday, February 18, 2020 09:42AM
The last top prize for
game #1467 Hot 7s has been claimed. Stop selling tickets
now, remove unsold
tickets from dispenser and vending machines. Put the game
aside for return and
credit. Please remove all point of sale material for this
Friday, February 14, 2020 12:53PM
Coming Soon!
On Tuesday, February
18, 2020 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of
a new $3 scratch game #1525 Twisted!
Win up to $30,000! And
a new $5 scratch game #1514 Power 5s!
Win up to $55,555!
Thursday, February 13, 2020 02:28PM
The last top prize for
game #1337 $75,000 Run The Table has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets
now, remove unsold tickets from dispenser and vending
machines. Put the game aside
for return and credit. Please remove all point of
material for this game.
Thursday, February 13, 2020 12:39PM
Attention Retailers! The
CT Lottery offices will be closed on
Monday, February 17, 2020.
In order to ensure a Scratch Game
delivery by Saturday, February
15, 2020 you must place your
order by Friday,
February 14, 2020.
Monday, February 10, 2020 02:06PM
Coming Soon! Enjoy the same excitement and play style with the
new version of Pinball Wizard! On February 13, 2020 the CT
is excited to announce the launch of a new $10 scratch game
Pinball Wizard XXIII! Win up to $100,000! Win up to 12
Thursday, February 6, 2020 12:33PM
Attention Retailers! The
CT Lottery offices will be closed on
Wednesday, February 12,
2020. In order to ensure a Scratch Game delivery by
Wednesday, February 12, 2020 you must place your
order by Tuesday, February 11, 2020.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 02:24PM
The last top prize for game #1287
$1,000,000 Diamonds has been claimed. Stop
selling tickets now, remove unsold
tickets from dispenser and vending machines.
Put the game aside for return and
credit. Please remove all point of sale
material for this game.
Monday, February 3, 2020 11:56AM
Attention Retailers! Game
#1459 7 has officially ended. If you have any, please Stop selling tickets
Remove unsold tickets
from dispensers and vending machines put the game aside for return and credit.
Monday, February 3, 2020 09:46AM
The last top prize for
game #1485 $250,000 Cashword 5 has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets
now, remove unsold tickets from dispenser and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Friday, January 31, 2020 08:41AM
A LOTTO Good News!
Waterbury Express Food Mart
in Waterbury sold the $2.1 Million Lotto winning ticket for
the January 28, 2020 drawing!
Winning numbers were 2-10-20-26-29-30.
Waterbury Express Food Mart
will receive a $10,000 selling bonus!
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 09:57AM
Coming Soon!
On Friday, January 31,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $2 scratch game
#1511 Monopoly! Win up to $20,000! And a
new $20 scratch game
#1502 $200,000 Lucky! Win up to $200,000! 28 chances to win!
Tuesday, January 28, 2020 02:51PM
The last top prize for game #1436
Cashword 26 has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets now, remove unsold tickets from dispenser and vending machines.
Put the game aside for return and credit. Please remove all point of sale material
for this game.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020 02:46PM
The last top prize for game #1517 Money
Mania Multiplier has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets now, remove unsold tickets from dispenser and vending machines.
Put the game aside for return and credit. Please remove all point of
sale material for this game.
Friday, January 24, 2020 12:31PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, January 27,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of
a new $1 scratch game #1486 Hot 100s!
Loaded with $100
Friday, January 24, 2020 09:52AM
Attention Retailers!
At this time all the
High Tier Claim Centers are able to cash
tickets over $599. Please let your customers know.
Friday, January 24, 2020 09:22AM
Attention Retailers
The CT Lottery Retailer
Information line # 1-800-842-5688
is now working. Thank
you for your patience.
Thursday, January 23, 2020 01:56PM
Attention Retailers!
At this time all the High Tier Claim Centers are not able to cash winning tickets over $599.
Cashing is available at CT Lottery Headquarters in Rocky Hill.
Please let your customers know.
Thursday, January 23, 2020 01:13PM
Attention Retailers
The CT Lottery is experiencing issues
with the Retailer Information
line # 1-800-842-5688. Once the issues
have been resolved, we will
let you know!
Friday, January 17, 2020 11:57AM
The last top prize for
game #1505 Holiday Bonus has been claimed. Stop selling
tickets now, remove
unsold tickets from dispenser and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sale material
this game.
Thursday, January 16, 2020 04:03PM
Coming Soon! Enjoy the
same excitement and play style with the new version of $250,000 Cashword!
On January 21, 2020 the
CT Lottery is excited to announce the launch of a
new $20 scratch game
#1515 $250,000 Cashword 6! Win up to $250,000! Win up to 20 times!
Thursday, January 16, 2020 09:28AM
Attention Retailers!
The CT Lottery offices
will be closed on Monday, January, 20, 2020.
In order to ensure a
Scratch Game delivery by Saturday, January 18, 2020
you must place your
order by Friday, January 17, 2020.
Friday, January 10, 2020 03:34PM
Coming Soon!
On Monday, January 13,
2020 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of
a new $2 scratch game #1456 Bonus Bingo!
Win up to $20,000! Win
up to 5 times!
Monday, January 6, 2020 08:49AM
The last top prize for game #1434 5X The Money 11th Edition
claimed. Stop selling tickets now, remove unsold tickets
from dispenser
and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and
Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Friday, January 3, 2020 12:37PM
The last top prize for game #1443 Money Bag Multiplier has
claimed. Stop selling tickets now, remove unsold tickets
from dispenser
and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and
Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Friday, January 3, 2020 08:20AM
The last top prize for game #1512 Payday Multiplier has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets now, remove unsold tickets from
and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and
Please remove all point of sale material for
this game.
Friday, January 3, 2020 08:18AM
Connecticut sold a 2nd Prize Lucky for Life winning ticket
worth $25,000 A Year For Life for the December 30, 2019 drawing.
The winning numbers were 4-15-34-40-47 and LB-16. The total for the 2nd Prize win is now 266 since the game began on January 27, 2015!
Monday, December 30, 2019 08:40AM
The last top prize for game #1482 Spring Winnings has been
Stop selling tickets now, remove unsold tickets from
and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and
Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Monday, December 30, 2019 08:34AM
The last top prize for game #1479 Sunny Money has been
Stop selling tickets now, remove unsold tickets from
and vending machines. Put the game aside for return and
Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Thursday, December 26, 2019 10:32AM
Attention Retailers! The CT Lottery offices will be closed on Wednesday, January, 1, 2020.
In order to ensure a Scratch
Game delivery by Tuesday, December 31, 2019 you must place
your order by Monday, December
30, 2019!
Monday, December 23, 2019 12:03PM
The last top prize for
game #1503 Happy Holidays has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets
now, remove unsold tickets from dispenser and vending machines.
Put the game aside for return and credit. Please
remove all point of sale material for this game
Thursday, December 12, 2019 12:21PM
The last top prize for
game #1481 Lucky Symbols has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets
now, remove unsold tickets from dispenser and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sale material for this game.
Monday, December 9, 2019 11:17AM
The last top prize for
game #1472 21 Tripler has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets
now, remove unsold tickets from dispenser and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sale material
this game.
Thursday, December 5, 2019 03:09PM
7-Eleven Store #25905F in Bethel sold a top prize
winning scratch ticket
for game #1450 $5,000,000 Ultimate. The ticket was
worth $5,000,000.00. One
top prize remains! 7-Eleven will receive a $50,000
Thursday, December 5, 2019 11:48AM
Coming Soon! On
December 9, 2019 the CT Lottery is excited to
announce the launch of
a new $1 scratch game #1488 Great 8s. Win up to $8,888!
And a new $2 scratch
game #1489 $25,000 Triple Diamonds!
Win up to $25,000! Win up
to 12 times!
Monday, December 2, 2019 03:56PM
Responsible Gambling
Training! Now until Tuesday, December 31, 2019 your
Lottery Sales Rep. will
conduct a short Responsible Gambling Training or direct
to Retailer Corner. You will receive a GameSense
for completing the training!
Friday, November 29, 2019 10:31AM
Coming Soon!
On December 2, 2019 the
CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $3
scratch game #1508 Double Win. Win up to $30,000!
Win 2 prizes at once!
And a new $5 scratch game #1517 Money Mania Multiplier.
up to $50,000!
Tuesday, November 26, 2019 10:00AM
Attention Retailers!
Order Now!
The CT Lottery offices
will be closed on
Thursday, November 28, 2019.
In order to ensure a Scratch Game delivery
By Wednesday, November
27, 2019 you must place your order by Tuesday,
26, 2019!
Monday, November 25, 2019 08:16AM
Responsible Gambling
Training! Starting Nov. 25, 2019 through Dec. 31, 2019
your Lottery Sales Rep.
will conduct a short Responsible Gambling Training or
direct you to CTLOTTERY.ORG
go to Retailer Corner. You will receive a
item for completing the training!
Click on this link to take the Responsible Gambling Training:
Thursday, November 21, 2019 02:37PM
The last top prize for
game #1448 75 Grand has been claimed. Stop selling
tickets now, remove
unsold tickets from dispenser and vending machines.
Put the game aside for
return and credit. Please remove all point of sale material
for this game
Wednesday, November 6, 2019 02:16PM
Attention Retailers!
Order Now! The CT Lottery offices will be closed on
Monday, November 11,
2019. In order to ensure a Scratch Game delivery by
Saturday, November 9,
2019 you must place your order by Friday, November 8, 2019!
Monday, November 4, 2019 12:12PM
A LOTTO Good News!
Stop and Shop #644 in
Danbury sold the $25.8 Million Lotto
winning ticket for the
November 1, 2019 drawing!
Winning numbers were
Stop and Shop #644 will
receive a $10,000 selling bonus check!
Friday, October 25, 2019 01:19PM
Monaco Wine And Liquor in Bridgeport sold a Lucky For
Life 2nd prize winning
ticket worth $25,000 A YEAR FOR LIFE for the 10/21/19
drawing! The winning numbers
were 9-14-15-35-40 and LB-10.
Monaco Wine and Liquor
will receive a $2,500 selling bonus check.
Thursday, October 24, 2019 12:10PM
Coming Soon! Enjoy the
same excitement and play style with the new version of
Super Cashword! On
October 28, 2019 the CT Lottery is excited to announce
the launch of a new $5 scratch game #1496 Super Cashword 21!
Win up to $50,000!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019 10:18AM
A message from the CT
Please be advised that
the Keno monitors are
not displaying the drawing
number results.
Scientific Games is working on the issue.
Results can be verified on any
CT Lottery terminal, ticket checkers,
or mobile app.
Thursday, October 17, 2019 01:52PM
Coming Soon!
On Oct. 21, 2019 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $1
scratch game #1503 Happy Holidays. Win up to $1,000!
A new $2 scratch game
#1504 Holiday Cheer. Win up to $10,000!
And a new $5 scratch
game #1505 Holiday Bonus! Win up to $50,000!
Tuesday, October 8, 2019 02:10PM
Attention Retailers! Order Now!
The CT Lottery offices will be closed on
Monday, October 14, 2019.
In order to ensure a Scratch Game delivery by
Saturday, October 12, 2019 you must place your
order by Friday, October 11, 2019!
Thursday, September 26, 2019 09:33AM
Coming Soon! On Sept.
30, 2019 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $2
scratch game #1506 Ruby Bingo Tripler. Win up to $10,000!
A new $10 scratch game #1499
Silver. Win up to $200,000!
And a new $20 scratch
game #1518 Gold. Win up to $500,000!
Thursday, September 26, 2019 07:47AM
The last top prize for
game #1403 3X the Cash 8th Edition has been claimed.
Stop selling tickets
now, remove unsold tickets from dispenser and vending
machines. Put the game aside
for return and credit.
Please remove all point
of sale material for this game.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019 04:03PM
CLC Website New Look!
We have added a new section called
"Retailer Corner"!
Log on to, click the option
RETAILERS, then click on
"I am a Retailer". There you will
find a lot of useful information like the Order Form,
Practices and more!
Wednesday, September 25, 2019 03:48PM
Exciting News! CLC Website New Look!
We are thrilled to announce the new look on the
CLC Website (
It features a much cleaner, streamlined look,
with an optimized, user-friendly
browsing experience across all devices. Best of
all it is Now Live!
Monday, September 16, 2019 08:42AM
*Powerball New Year’s Rockin Eve VIP 2nd Chance Consumer Promotion*
Sept. 14, 2019 was the last date for the consumer promotion.
When players buy 5
Powerball with Power Play on a single ticket ($15) value,
they could win a Powerball New Year’s Rockin Eve VIP Experience for two in NYC.
All non-winning tickets
qualify to be entered into a
drawing on 9/26/19. Ten
winners will be selected. Entries must be received by
Friday, September 13, 2019 02:50PM
Games #1383 Match 3
Tripler, #1404 Lots of Loot, #1431 Cash on the Spot,
#1376 Wild Cash, #1432
Double Your Money, #1323 Loteria Grande,
#1421 Prize Line, #1415
5X The Money 10th Edition and #1385 10X The Cash 12th Edition
have officially ended.
If you have any, please stop selling tickets immediately.
Remove unsold tickets
from dispensers and vending
put the games aside for return and credit.
Friday, August 30, 2019 02:33PM
The last top prize for game #1474
Easy..As 1,2,3
has been claimed. Stop selling tickets
now and remove unsold
tickets from the dispensers and put the
game aside for return and credit.
Please remove all point of sales material for this game
Thursday, August 29, 2019 08:36AM
Coming Soon! Enjoy the
same excitement and play style with the new version of
3X The Cash! On August
29, 2019 the CT Lottery is excited to announce the
launch of a new $3 scratch game #1484 3X The Cash 9th Edition!
Win up to $30,000! 15 Chances to win!
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 02:12PM
Games #1324 Aces High
24th Edition, #1461 Holiday Cash,
#1412 Bingo Doubler and
#1389 Super Cashword 19 have officially ended.
If you have any, please
stop selling tickets immediately.
Remove unsold tickets from
put the games aside for return and credit.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019 01:06PM
Attention Retailers!
Order Now!
The CT Lottery offices
will be closed on Monday,
September 2, 2019. In
order to ensure a Scratch Game delivery by Saturday,
31, 2019 you must place your order by Friday, August 30, 2019!
Friday, August 16, 2019 11:01AM
*Powerball New Years Rockin Eve VIP 2nd Chance Consumer Promotion* Starting Sunday, August 18, 2019 through Saturday, September 14, 2019 when players buy 5 Powerball with Power Play on single ticket ($15) value, they could win a Powerball New Years Rockin Eve VIP Experience for two in NYC. All non-winning tickets qualify to be entered into a drawing on 9/26/19. Ten winners will be selected. Entries must be received by 9/18/19. Prize winners are also eligible for the live broadcast Millionaire Drawing to win a $1 million prize and become the first Powerball Millionaire of the year! Brochures detailing the promotion will be delivered by your Lottery Sales Rep. Let your players know to buy 5 Powerball with Power Play on a single ticket and enter for a chance to win!
Wednesday, July 31, 2019 01:52PM
Effective August 2019, our paper stock will have a new look.
Continue to use current paper stock
until it runs out.
Reminder: Paper is assigned to a
specific location and terminal.
It cannot be borrowed from other
retailers or retail locations.
SGI will continue to take care of
your paper stock.
Please order in advance on your
WAVE terminal to avoid running out.
(Go to “Special Functions” screen to order supplies).
You can also call Scientific Game Customer Service at 1-800-638-6068.
Click here to view and print Paper Stock Document
Tuesday, July 9, 2019 03:59PM
Friendly Reminders:
Old Powerball Playslips cannot be used after 6/30/2019. Scientific Games and your Lottery Representative will collect the old Playslips. Positioning the Power Play first and the Advance Action second on both the PowerBall and the Mega Millions Playslips will allow you to process wagers even faster without mistakes. If you have not received your new PowerBall Playslips contact Scientific Games at 1-800-638-6068.
Be mindful during lottery transactions:
- Do not pre-print draw tickets.
- Print all tickets at time of consumer purchase and payment.
- Collect lottery payments for tickets before tickets are given to the player.
- Confirm that you have the money when cashing a ticket worth $100 or more before completing a transaction in order to pay your players.